Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • ANR SoSweet (2015-2019, PI J.-P. Magué, resp. ALMAnaCH: DS; Other partners: ICAR [ENS Lyon, CRNS], Dante [Inria]). Topic: studying sociolinguistic variability on Twitter, comparing linguistic and graph-based views on tweets

  • ANR ParSiTi (2016-2021, PI Djamé Seddah, Other partners: LIMSI, LIPN). Topic: context-aware parsing and machine translation of user-generated content

  • ANR PARSE-ME (2015-2020, PI. Matthieu Constant, resp. Marie Candito [ALPAGE, then LLF], ALMAnaCH members are associated with Paris-Diderot’s LLF for this project). Topic: multi-word expressions in parsing

  • ANR Profiterole (2016-2020, PI Sophie Prévost [LATTICE], resp. Benoit Crabbé [ALPAGE, then LLF], ALMAnaCH members are associated with Paris-Diderot’s LLF for this project). Topic: modelling and analysis of Medieval French

  • ANR TIME-US (2016-2019, PI Manuela Martini [LARHRA], ALMAnaCH members are associated with Paris-Diderot’s CEDREF for this project). Topic: Digital study of remuneration and time budget textile trades in XVIIIth and XIXth century France

Competitivity Clusters

  • LabEx EFL (2010-2019, PI Christian Puech [HTL, Paris 3], Sorbonne Paris Cité). Topic: empirical foundations of linguistics, including computational linguistics and natural language processing. ALPAGE was one of the partner teams of this LabEx, which gathers a dozen of teams within and around Paris whose research interests include one aspects of linguistics or more. BS serves as deputy head (and former head) of one of the scientific strands of the LabEx, namely strand 6 dedicated to language resources. BS and DS are in charge of a number of scientific “operations” within strands 6, 5 (“computational semantic analysis”) and 2 (“experimental grammar”). BS, EVdLC and DS are now individual members of the LabEx EFL since 1st January 2017, and BS still serves as the deputy head of strand 6. Main collaborations are on language resource development (strands 5 and 6), syntactic and semantic parsing (strand 5, especially with LIPN [CNRS and U.Paris 13]) and computational morphology (strands 2 and 6, especially with CRLAO [CNRS and Inalco]).

  • PSL project LAKME (2015-2017, PI Thierry Poibeau [LATTICE]). Topic: language resource development for morphologically rich languages, especially Rabbinic Hebrew (syntactic level), Medieval French (morphological level) and some Finno-Ugric languages (to a lesser extent).

  • PSL Iris project SCRIPTA This project emanates from the history and philology department of the EPHE (DSBE). It is directed by Andreas Stauder (EPHE) with Philip Huyse (EPHE) and Charlotte Schmid (EFEO). It unites the forces of a great number of researchers in PSL (EPHE, ENS, EHESS, ENC, Collège de France and in addition the IRHT) working on written texts in all its forms, on all kinds of material, from all periods and regions and has important digital and computational ambitions especially with regard to epigraphy, palaeography, digital editions and NLP.

Other National Initiatives

  • TGIR Huma-Num ALPAGE was a member of the CORLI consortium on “corpora, languages and interactions” (BS is a member of the consortium’s board), and ALMAnaCH is in the process of joining this consortium. With a joint funding of Huma-Num and the H2020 project Parthenos (on which see below), ALMAnaCH members have also co-organised a workshop on 3D techniques for Humanities in Bordeaux (December 2016).

  • Institut de Linguistique Française (ILF): ALPAGE was a member of this CNRS “federation”. ALMAnaCH is in the process of joining this federation if possible, especially as BS is the scientific head of the “Corpus de Référence du Français” initiative, an ILF project whose other head is Franck Neveu and whose goal is to develop a French National Corpus, a resource that has been awaited for a long time.

  • Notary registers project (2017-2018): An explorative study has been launched in collaboration with the National Archives in France, in the context of the framework agreement between Inria and the Ministry of Culture, to explore the possibility of extracting various components from gigitized 19th Century notary registers.

  • Nénufar (DGLFLF - Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France): The projects is intended to digitize and exploit the early editions (beginning of the 20th Century) of the Petit Larousse dictionary. ALMAnaCH is involve to contribute to the automatic extraction of the dictionary content by means of GROBID-dictionaries and define a TEI compliant interchange format for all results.

  • PIA Opaline: The objective of the project is to provide a better access to published French literature and reference material for visually impaired persons. Financed by the Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir, it will integrate technologies related to document analysis and re-publishing, textual content enrichment and dedicated presentational interfaces. Inria participate to deploy the GROBID tool suite for the automatic structuring of content from books available as plain PDF files.